Legislation on Qualifying Activities

From January 2012, the functions of Cartography, Geodesy, Surveying (registry) and Land Management were completely privatized, as a result of which the mentioned works are carried out exclusively by specialists of the private sector, who have received the appropriate qualifications from the Cadastre Committee.
In the Republic of Armenia, persons who have received a Qualification Certificate from the State Authorized Body could engage in the activities of Cartography, Geodesy, Surveying (registry) and Land Management.
RA Citizens who have a higher education or at least 3 years of professional work experience in any of the fields of cartography, geodesy, surveying (registry), and land management could apply to receive the Professional Qualification Certificate.
Qualification is held at least once every 3 months, in 2 stages: testing and interview. The announcement of the qualification is published on the official website of the Cadastre Committee no later than one month before the qualification is held. It is removed from the website no earlier than the date of the qualification. The qualification is held within the period specified in the announcement.
The questionnaire of testing tasks consists of 80 questions, which cover the relevant areas of the RA legislation mentioned in paragraph 4 of appendix N 1 of the N 1441-N Decision of the RA Government on September 29, 2011. No later than one month before the qualification, the questionnaire with its correct answers is published on the committee's official website.
The testing is conducted in a separate room (hall, auditorium, etc.), which is provided with appropriate conditions. Participants are given 120 minutes to complete the test. As a result of the test, each correct answer is evaluated with one point, and the incorrect answer with zero points. Marking an incorrect answer, marking more than one answer, not marking any answer are considered wrong answers.
The participant passes to the interview stage if answers at least 90 %of the testing tasks correctly. Before the interview with each participant, the commission randomly selects 5 questions from the questionnaire pre-entered into the computer. In case of positive assessment by a majority of committee members or an equal number of positive and negative assessments, the applicant is considered to have passed the interview.
The interview with each participant is recorded.
The qualification results can be appealed in writing by the participant (in terms of his results) or by the commission member.
The Qualification Certificate is issued to the applicant on the second working day following the day of the qualification examination.
According to the commission's decision, representatives of mass media, public organizations, and professional educational institutions have the right to attend the qualification examination as observers.
Failure to fulfill the mandatory requirements for the implementation of Cartography, Geodesy, Surveying (registry) and Land Management works defined by the government's decision is also a basis for the suspension of the validity of the certificate.